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"Cancel";var TRAD_COMMUN_QTE = "Qty";var TRAD_COMMUN_REF_COURT = "Ref.";var TRAD_SAISIE_EXPRESS = "Express add";var TRAD_SAISIE_EXPRESS_TEXTE = "Save time by entering the item code and quantity of the desired product and confirm to add it to your cart.";var TRAD_MDP_OUBLIE = "Forgot your password ?";var TRAD_MDP_OUBLIE_TEXTE = "Enter your E-mail below";var TRAD_MDP_OUBLIE_EMAIL = "E-mail";var TRAD_MDP_OUBLIE_OK = "Your login informations just be sent to you by e-mail";var TRAD_PANIER_AJOUT = "Add to cart";var TRAD_PANIER_AJOUT_OK = "This item has been added to your basket";var TRAD_PANIER_AJOUT_RAPIDE_OK = "Cet article a bien été ajouté à votre panier";var TRAD_PANIER_AJOUT_ERR = "Please enter a quantity";var TRAD_PANIER_QTE_AJOUTE = "Quantity added";var TRAD_PANIER_CONTINUER = "Continue Shopping";var TRAD_PANIER_VOIR = "View cart";var TRAD_PANIER_ARTICLE_S = "item(s)";var TRAD_PANIER_VIDE = "Your cart is empty";var TRAD_PANIER_SUPPR_ART = "Delete an item";var TRAD_PANIER_SUPPR_ART_TXT = "Would you really want to delete this item ?";var TRAD_PANIER_IDENTIFICATION = "Identification";var TRAD_PANIER_IDENT_ERR = "The pair login / password is not valid.";var TRAD_PANIER_ENREG = "Saving cart";var TRAD_PANIER_ENREG_TITRE = "What name would you give this cart?";var TRAD_PANIER_ENREG_DATE = "2025-03-03 cart";var TRAD_PANIER_ENREG_OK = "Your cart {nom} have been saved !";var TRAD_MES_PANIERS = "Saved carts";var TRAD_PANIER_IMPORT_ERR_TITLE = "Cart import";var TRAD_PANIER_IMPORT_ERR = "An error occurred during the cart import";var TRAD_IMPORT_ERREURS_FICHIER = "Errors list found on the file";var TRAD_PANIER_SKU_INCONNUE = "Unknown SKU";var TRAD_PANIER_QTE_ERRONEE = "Wrong quantity";var TRAD_PANIER_IMPORT = "Cart import from file";var TRAD_DRAG_DROP_FILE = "Drag & Drop files here or click to upload";var TRAD_IMPORT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Error : File type not allowed";var TRAD_FICHIER_MODELE = "File example";var TRAD_PANIER_IMPORT_CONSERVER_ACTUEL = "Keep current cart";var TRAD_COMMUN_IMPORTER = "Import";var TRAD_SELECTED_FILE = "Selected file";var TRAD_IMPORT_CHOISIR = "Error : choose a file to import";var CART_IMPORT_FORMAT_ALLOWED = ".xlsx";var TRAD_PROJET_ENREG = "Saving project";var TRAD_PROJET_MODIF = "Updating project";var TRAD_PROJET_MODIF_ERR = "An error occurred, the project name could not be updated";var TRAD_PROJET_ENREG_TITRE = "What name would you give this project?";var TRAD_PROJET_ENREG_DATE = "2025-03-03 project";var TRAD_PROJET_ENREG_OK = "Your project {nom} have been saved !";var TRAD_PROJET_ENREG_ERR = "An error occurred, your project could not be saved.";var TRAD_MES_PROJETS = "My projects";var TRAD_COMMANDE_ENREG = "Saving order";var TRAD_COMMANDE_MODIF = "Updating order";var TRAD_COMMANDE_MODIF_ERR = "An error occurred, the order name could not be updated";var TRAD_COMMANDE_ENREG_TITRE = "What name would you give this order?";var TRAD_COMMANDE_ENREG_DATE = "2025-03-03 order";var TRAD_COMMANDE_ENREG_OK = "Your order {nom} have been saved !";var TRAD_COMMANDE_ENREG_ERR = "An error occurred, your order could not be saved.";var TRAD_MES_COMMANDES = "My orders";var TRAD_REF_PERSO_IMPORT = "Importing custom references from file";var REF_PERSO_IMPORT_FORMAT_ALLOWED = ".xlsx, .csv";var TRAD_TELECHARGER_MODELE = "Download the template file";var TRAD_REF_PERSO_IMPORT_TITLE = "Importing custom references";var TRAD_REF_PERSO_IMPORT_ERR = "An error occurred while importing custom references";var TRAD_REF_PERSO_IMPORT_SUCCESS = "Custom references have been imported !";var TRAD_TRANSFORME_DEVIS_COMMANDE = "Convert quote into an order";var TRAD_TRANSFORME_DEVIS_COMMANDE_ERREUR = "An error has occurred, this quote cannot be converted into an order";var TRAD_TRANSFORME_COMMANDE = "Re-order";var TRAD_TRANSFORME_COMMANDE_ERREUR = "An error has occurred, the ordre could not be added to the cart";var TRAD_PANIERS_SUPPR = "Delete a cart";var TRAD_PANIERS_SUPPR_TXT = "Would you really want to delete this cart?";var TRAD_PROJETS_SUPPR = "Delete a project";var TRAD_PROJETS_SUPPR_TXT = "Would you really want to delete this project?";var TRAD_PROJETS_SUPPR_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the project could not be deleted";var TRAD_PROJETS_TRANSFORME = "Project validation";var TRAD_PROJETS_TRANSFORME_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the project could not be added to cart";var TRAD_PROJETS_REPRENDRE = "Continue project";var TRAD_PROJETS_SUPPR_PANIER_TXT = "Do you want to clear the cart before continue ?";var TRAD_COMMANDES_SUPPR = "Delete an order";var TRAD_COMMANDES_SUPPR_TXT = "Would you really want to delete this order ?";var TRAD_COMMANDES_SUPPR_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the order could not be deleted";var TRAD_COMMANDES_TRANSFORME = "Order validation";var TRAD_COMMANDES_TRANSFORME_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the order could not be added to cart";var TRAD_COMMANDES_REPRENDRE = "Continue order";var TRAD_COMMANDES_SUPPR_PANIER_TXT = "Do you want to clear the cart before continue ?";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_SUPPR = "Delete child account";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_SUPPR_TXT = "Are you sure you want to delete this child account ?";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_SUPPR_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the child account could not be deleted";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_SUPPR_SUCCESS = "The child account has been deleted";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_MODIF = "Update child account";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_MODIF_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the child account could not be updated";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_MODIF_SUCCESS = "The child account has been updated";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_CREER = "Create child account";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_CREER_ERREUR = "An error occurred, the child account could not be created";var TRAD_CLIENT_ENFANT_CREER_SUCCESS = "The child account has been created";var TRAD_MON_COMPTE_SUPPRIMER_ADR = "Delete address";var TRAD_MON_COMPTE_SUPPRIMER_ADR_TXT = "Are you sure you want to delete this delivery address ?";var TRAD_MON_COMPTE_ADR_LIVRAISON = "Delivery address";var TRAD_MAJ_LIVRAISON = "You just change your delivery country, the shipping costs will be recalculated.";var TRAD_CHOIX_PANIER = "Your basket is waiting for you !";var TRAD_ERREURS_PANIER = "Updating your cart !";var TRAD_ELASTICSEARCH_AUNCUN_RESULTAT = "No result";var TRAD_ELASTICSEARCH_UN_RESULTAT = "result found";var TRAD_ELASTICSEARCH_PREMIERS_RESULTATS = "Top {nb} results with search";var TRAD_FACETTES_JSON_FACET_MARQUE = "Brand";var TRAD_FACETTES_JSON_FACET_FAMILLE = "Family";